Community Crisis Stabilization Services


Settlement Agreement Provision

iii.  Crisis stabilization programs

A.   Crisis stabilization programs offer a short-term alternative to institutionalization or hospitalization for individuals who need inpatient stabilization services.

B.   Crisis stabilization programs shall be used as a last resort. The State shall ensure that, prior to transferring an individual to a crisis stabilization program, the mobile crisis team, in collaboration with the provider, has first attempted to resolve the crisis to avoid an out-of-home placement and if that is not possible, has then attempted to locate another community based placement that could serve as a short-term placement.

C.   If an individual receives crisis stabilization services in a community-based placement instead of a crisis stabilization unit, the individual may be given the option of remaining in the placement if the provider is willing and has capacity to serve the individual and the provider can meet the needs of the individual as determined by the provider and the individual’s case manager.

D.   Crisis stabilization programs shall have no more than six beds and lengths of stay shall not exceed 30 days.

E.   With the exception of the Pathways Program operated at Southwestern Virginia Training Center (“SWVTC”), crisis stabilization programs shall not be located on the grounds of the Training Centers or hospitals with inpatient psychiatric beds. By July 1, 2015, the Pathways Program at SWVTC will cease providing crisis stabilization services and shall be replaced by off-site crisis stabilization programs with sufficient capacity to meet the needs of the target population in that Region.

F.    By June 30, 2012, the Commonwealth shall develop one crisis stabilization program in each Region

G.   By June 30,2013, the Commonwealth shall develop an additional crisis stabilization program in each Region as determined necessary by the Commonwealth to meet the needs of the target population in that Region.


Compliance Indicators

Compliance Indicators III.C.6.b.iii.B, III.C.6.b.iii.D, III.C.6.b.iii.G.



The Commonwealth will establish and have in operation by June 30, 2019 two Crisis Therapeutic Home (CTH) facilities for children and will provide training to those supporting the child to assist the child in returning to their placement as soon as possible.

DBHDS will utilize waiver capacity set aside for emergencies each year to meet the needs of individuals with long term stays in psychiatric hospitals or CTHs.

DBHDS will increase the number of residential providers with the capacity and competencies to support people with co-occurring conditions using a person-centered/trauma-informed/positive behavioral practices approach to 1) prevent crises and hospitalizations, 2) to provide a permanent home to individuals discharged from CTHs and psychiatric hospitals. 

86% of individuals with a DD waiver and known to the REACH system who are admitted to CTH facilities and psychiatric hospitals will have a community residence identified within 30 days of admission.


86% of individuals with a DD waiver and known to the REACH system admitted to CTH facilities will have a community residence identified within 30 days of admission. This indicator is also in III.C.6.b.iii.B.


The Commonwealth will establish and have in operation by June 30, 2019 two Crisis Therapeutic Home (CTH) facilities for children. This indicator is also in III.C.6.b.iii.B.

To address the CTH stays of adults beyond 60 days, DBHDS will establish and operate two transition homes by June 30, 2019.

The Commonwealth will implement out-of-home crisis therapeutic prevention host-home like services for children connected to the REACH system who are experiencing a behavioral or mental health crisis and would benefit from this service through statewide access in order to prevent institutionalization of children due to behavioral or mental health crises.