Training Center Closure Plan

Settlement Agreement Provision


About Training Center Closure Plan

DBHDS developed and submitted a Training Center Closure Plan in accordance with Budget Bill – H.B. 1500 (Chapter 806), 2013 Sess. (Va. 2013), Item 314.L. DBHDS was required to submit a quarterly update report on the implementation of the Training Center Closure Plan until this requirement was removed from the budget in 2021. These reports contained training center discharge information including placements chosen, barriers to discharge and total costs of services to those transitioning to the community. Additional information included results from the quarterly comprehensive survey to identify support needs for each individual residing in the training center scheduled to close, information on the quarterly stakeholder meetings and data with respect to community provider capacity. All reports are posted on Virginia’s LIS (Legislative Information System) website under Reports to the General Assembly, Published. The final report was submitted in July 2021. The only remaining training center is Southeastern Virginia Training Center (SEVTC).

For more information about Training Center Closure

RD287 – Fiscal Year 2021 Training Center Closure Plan 4th Quarter Update – July 1, 2021