Community Resource Consultants

Settlement Agreement Provision


The Commonwealth shall utilize Community Resource Consultant (“CRC”) positions located in each Region to provide oversight and guidance to CSBs and community providers, and serve as a liaison between the CSB case managers and DBHDS Central Office. The CRCs shall provide on-site, electronic, written, and telephonic technical assistance to CSB case managers and private providers regarding person centered planning, the Supports Intensity Scale, and requirements of case management and HCBS Waivers. The CRC shall also provide ongoing technical assistance to CSBs and community providers during an individual’s placement. The CRCs shall be a member of the Regional Support Team in the appropriate Region.

About Community Resource Consultants

DBHDS established Community Resource Consultant positions in each of the five DDS Regions. The CRCs provide advice and guidance regarding the provision of home and community-based services by developing and delivering technical programmatic assistance, mentoring, coaching, and organizational development support to DD Medicaid Waiver providers and potential providers and stakeholders regarding DD Community Medicaid services statewide. The CRCs work within the Provider Development section of the Developmental Disabilities Services Division to build DD system capacity at the individual, provider, and system levels. They participate in the on-going development of the three waivers in response to changes over time.

Authorizing Authority

Processes, Protocols, and Standards

Guidelines, Charters, and Plans

For more information about Community Resource Consultants:

DBHDS Office of Provider Network Supports Information