Settlement Agreement Provision
The Commonwealth shall conduct regular, unannounced licensing inspections of community providers serving individuals receiving services under this Agreement
Within 12 months of the effective date of this Agreement, the Commonwealth shall have and implement a process to conduct more frequent licensure inspections of community providers serving individuals under this Agreement, including:
a. Providers who have a conditional or provisional license;
b. Providers who serve individuals with intensive medical and behavioral needs as defined by the SIS category representing the highest level of risk to individuals;
c. Providers who serve individuals who have an interruption of service greater than 30 days;
d. Providers who serve individuals who encounter the crisis system for a serious crisis or for multiple less serious crises within a three-month period;
e. Providers who serve individuals who have transitioned from a Training Center within the previous 12 months; and
f. Providers who serve individuals in congregate settings of 5 or more individuals
About Licensing Inspections
The Code of Virginia stipulates that DBHDS must conduct at least one annual unannounced inspection of each service offered by each licensed provider. Inspections are focused on preventing specific risks to individuals receiving services, including an evaluation of the physical facilities in which the services are provided.
DBHDS conducts more frequent visits to DD providers than the required annual inspection. DBHDS tracks all visits to DD providers and the purpose of each visit. The Risk Management Review Committee reviews the licensing visit reports.
Authorizing Authority
Processes, Protocols and Standards
Instruments and Tools
- Memo-to-Providers-and-Chart-for-2024-DD-Inspection
- 2024 DD Inspections Kickoff Training (January 2024)
- Provider Letter Template 2024 DD Inspections
- 160_520 Rubric for OL Staff
- 2024 Office of Licensing Look Behind Process for DD Providers Annual Inspections
- Expectations Regarding Provider Reporting Measures for Residential and Day Support Providers of Developmental Services and Expectations of Provider Risk Management Programs for All Providers of Developmental Services
- QA-2024-DD-Inspection-Kickoff-Training
- 12_Appendix H_RCA Rubric 160.E.1.a-c_FINAL
- DBHDS Office of Licensing Enhanced DD Inspection Protocol
For more information about Licensing Inspections: