Settlement Agreement Provision
The Commonwealth shall have a statewide core competency-based training curriculum for all staff who provide services under this Agreement. The training shall include person-centered practices, community integration and self-determination awareness, and required elements of service training.
About Provider Training
The Commonwealth requires DSPs and DSP Supervisors, including contracted staff, providing direct services to meet the training and core competency requirements contained in DMAS regulation 12VAC30-122- 180, including demonstration of competencies specific to health and safety within 180 days of hire. DSPs and DSP Supervisors who have not yet completed training and competency requirements per DMAS regulation 12VAC30-122-180, including passing a knowledge-based test with at least 80% success, are accompanied and overseen by other qualified staff who have passed the core competency requirements for the provision of any direct services. An Orientation Training and Competencies Protocol that communicates DD Waiver requirements for competency training, testing, and observation of Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and DSP supervisors is available for all providers.
DSP Supervisors are responsible for adequate coaching and supervision of their staff trainees. As part of its training program, DBHDS makes available a supervisory training for all DSP supervisors who are required to complete DSP training and testing per DMAS Waiver Regulations in DBHDS-licensed and non-DBHDS-licensed agencies as described in DMAS Waiver Regulations. In addition to training and education, support and coaching is made available to DBHDS-licensed providers through the DBHDS Offices of Integrated Health and Provider Development upon request and through community nursing meetings, provider roundtables, and quarterly support coordinator meetings to increase the knowledge and skills of staff and supervisors providing waiver services.
Authorizing Authority
Processes, Protocols and Standards
- Medicaid Memo: Updated Orientation and Competency
- Requirements for Direct Support Professionals and their Supervisors/Trainers, September 1, 2016
Guidelines, Charters, Plans, Other
Instruments and Tools
- DSP Orientation Test and Answer Sheets Effective 11.15.21 Final
- DSP and Supervisor’s Competencies Checklist
- Health Competencies Checklist DMAS #P244a
- Behavioral Competencies Checklist DMAS #P240a
- Autism Competencies Checklist DMAS #P201
- Orientation Manual for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and Supervisors: Supporting People in their Homes and Communities
Training Materials
For more information about Provider Training: