Individual and Family Supports

Settlement Agreement Provision

Individual and family supports are defined as a comprehensive and coordinated set of strategies that are designed to ensure that families who are assisting family members with intellectual or developmental disabilities (“ID/DD”) or individuals with ID/DD who live independently have access to person-centered and family-centered resources, supports, services and other assistance. Individual and family supports are targeted to individuals not already receiving services under HCBS waivers, as defined in Section II.C above.  The family supports provided under this Agreement shall not supplant or in any way limit the availability of services provided through the Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Direction (“EDCD”) waiver, Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (“EPSDT”), or similar programs.

The Commonwealth shall create an individual and family support program for individuals with ID/DD whom the Commonwealth determines to be most at risk of institutionalization, according to the following schedule:

  1. In State Fiscal Year 2013, a minimum of 700 individuals supported
  2. In State Fiscal Year 2014, a minimum of 1000 individuals supported
  3. In State Fiscal Year 2015, a minimum of 1000 individuals supported
  4. In State Fiscal Year 2016, a minimum of 1000 individuals supported
  5. In State Fiscal Year 2017, a minimum of 1000 individuals supported
  6. In State Fiscal Year 2018, a minimum of 1000 individuals supported
  7. In State Fiscal Year 2019, a minimum of 1000 individuals supported
  8. In State Fiscal Year 2020, a minimum of 1000 individuals supported
  9. In State Fiscal Year 2021, a minimum of 1000 individuals supported

About Individual and Family Supports

DBHDS established the Individual and Family Support Community Coordination Program to assist families and individuals with developmental disabilities with making local connections to resources and supports that maintain community living.  The effort is a partnership led by families that have formed councils covering the five DBHDS service regions. Together, DBHDS and the IFSP State and Regional Councils have worked to establish Virginia’s Individual and Family Support State Plan and to set local goals to support its implementation.

Authorizing Authority

Virginia Code § 37.2-203

Operation of the Individual and Family Support Program, 12VAC35-230

    Guidelines, Charters, Plans, Other

    Processes, Protocols and Standards

    Instruments and Tools

    Training Materials

    For more information about Individual and Family Supports:

    My Life My Community
