
Settlement Agreement Provision


About Transportation

Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) is a benefit offered through the Virginia Medicaid State Plan. NEMT is not a services offered under the DD waivers but available under the state plan and therefore open to all Medicaid recipients. Many individuals with developmental disabilities, both DD waiver recipients and non-DD waiver recipients, are transported through NEMT. Transportation services are provided through a number of NEMT-contracted vendors including MCO (Managed Care Organization) contracts and a single fee-for-service vendor with the Department of Medical Assistance Services. Outside the NEMT, transportation is also a component of many waiver services and provided by that service provider. For example, many group home services include transportation as part of their service array and transport individuals they support to access other services and activities outside of the group home. Additionally, individuals may receive transportation through their managed care provider for their acute and primary care needs.

Authorizing Authority

CMS-Approved Virginia Medicaid State Plan

HCBS DD CMS Approved Building Independence Waiver

HCBS DD CMS Approved Family and Individual Supports Waiver

HCBS DD CMS Approved Community Living Waiver

DD Waiver Regulations

Methods of providing transportation


DMAS Contract with Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
DMAS Contract with transportation FFS vendor

Processes, Protocols and Standards

Transportation on Time Performance Process Document – Updated 8/30/2023

Transportation Non-NEMT Process Document – Updated 8/20/2023

Guidelines, Charters, Plans, Other

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Requirements, Becoming a NEMT Provider, Contract Information and Presentations

DMAS Transportation Services Resources

For more information about Transportation:

DMAS Transportation Services Information