Library Record Index


Settlement Agreement Provision

The Commonwealth maintains a written index that identifies the records sufficient to document that the requirements of the Settlement Agreement are being implemented and the entities responsible for monitoring and ensuring that the records are made available (“Record Index”).

The Record Index specifies the following components for each record:

·         Identification and documentation of record locations

·         Timeframe for collecting and updating records as specified in the Settlement Agreement or as determined by DBHDS

·         Identification of a custodian of the records who is responsible for oversight of the collection, storage, and updates

·         A process to monitor/audit record completion.

The Record Index and all associated documents are timely available to the Independent Reviewer upon request. 

Records will be maintained in accordance with applicable Library of Virginia Records Retention and Disposition Schedules or longer, as necessary to demonstrate compliance with the Settlement Agreement.


The Library links to ongoing reporting generated as evidence of attaining and sustaining compliance with the requirements of the Settlement Agreement and compliance indicators.

Reports to the Court from the Independent Reviewer are listed below, with the most recent report listed first. 

Twenty-fourth Report to the Court from the Independent Reviewer (June 16, 2024)

Twenty-third Report to the Court from the Independent Reviewer (December 13, 2023)

Twenty-second Report to the Court from the Independent Reviewer (June 13, 2023)

Twenty-first Report to the Court from the Independent Reviewer (December 13, 2022)

Twentieth Report to the Court from the Independent Reviewer (June 13, 2022)

Nineteenth Report to the Court from the Independent Reviewer (December 13, 2021)

Eighteenth Report to the Court from Independent Reviewer (June 13, 2021)

Seventeenth Report to the Court from Independent Reviewer (December 15, 2020)

Sixteenth Report to the Court from Independent Reviewer (June 13, 2020)

Fifteenth Report to the Court from Independent Reviewer (December 15, 2019)

Fourteenth Report to the Court from Independent Reviewer (June 13, 2019)

Thirteenth Report to the Court from Independent Reviewer (December 13, 2018)

Twelfth Report to the Court from Independent Reviewer  (June 13, 2018)

10th and 11th Report to the Court from Independent Reviewer  (December 13, 2017)

Appendices for the 10th and 11th Report to the Court from Independent Reviewer (December 13, 2017)

Ninth Report to the Court from Independent Reviewer (December 23, 2016)

Eighth Report of the Independent Reviewer (June 6, 2016)

Seventh Report of the Independent Reviewer (December 6, 2015)

Sixth Report of the Independent Reviewer(June 6, 2015)

Fifth Report of the Independent Reviewer (December 8, 2014)

Fourth Report of the Independent Reviewer (June 6, 2014)

Third Report of the Independent Reviewer(December 6, 2013)

Second Report of the Independent Reviewer(June 6, 2013)

First Report of the Independent Reviewer (December 6, 2012)
