Library Record Index

Settlement Agreement Provision

C.  The Commonwealth shall maintain sufficient records to document that the requirements of this Agreement are being properly implemented and shall make such records available to the Independent Reviewer for inspection and copying upon request and on a reasonable basis.

The Library website is designed to allow the user to access information about the terms and provisions of the Agreement.  The primary content of the home page for the Library website is the full text of the Settlement Agreement. This text is searchable with embedded hyperlinks to provision-specific sub-pages, and external websites that will provide information pertinent to the Commonwealth’s compliance with the specific provision. Users may also navigate to the hyperlinks on the Welcome page to view each section’s pages and related resources and reports. Documentation for each provision or provision group may consist of the following:

Authorizing Authority

The Library links to sources (e.g., federal and state statutes, regulations, and Departmental Instructions or policies) that mandate and direct specific components of the Commonwealth’s developmental disability system and implement provisions of the Settlement Agreement. Authorizing authority for the Library is listed below:


If the Commonwealth utilizes non-state entities to implement components of the developmental disabilities system, the Library links to documentation indicating how that work is delegated and overseen (e.g., contracts with private or local government entities).

Processes, Protocols and Standards

The Library links to written processes and protocols and additional materials, such as guidelines, charters, plans, and manuals, that guide the implementation of provisions of the Settlement Agreement. The Library adheres to Library of Virginia Records Retention Schedule.

The process that DBHDS uses to review and update the Library is available here.

Instruments and Tools

The Library links to tools and instruments used to implement provisions of the Settlement Agreement.

These include checklists, forms, reference materials, training documents, studies, and other reference materials such as videos, recorded webinars, and web-based informational resources. Library visitors can visit the Welcome page to access all of the parent pages throughout the site.

Additionally, the Record Index Reference Tool is a MS Excel document that Library visitors can use to supplement the search engine embedded within the Library website.  The names of the three tabs on the tool correspond to their content: 1) All documents index (lists all files, including reports, on the Library along with hyperlink), 2) Report owner & frequency (office owner for report and due date), and 3) Parent page owner & frequency (office owner for parent page and review by owner due date).  An updated version of the Record Index Reference Tool is published semi-annually. 

Download the Record Index Reference Tool here.

Archives and Reports

Many parent pages have both an “archives” and “reporting” t button in the top right hand corner of the page.  Archives contain outdated information and/or reports that are more than four fiscal years old.  Reports, where applicable, contain reports from the most recent four fiscal years that outline the Commonwealth’s efforts towards compliance with the Settlement Agreement’s requirements.  

The Reports to the Court from the Independent Reviewer can be accessed by selecting the blue “Reporting” button at the top right corner of this page.