Risk Management Training

Settlement Agreement Provision


The Commonwealth shall offer guidance and training to providers on proactively identifying and addressing risks of harm, conducting root cause analysis, and developing and monitoring corrective actions.

About Risk Management Training

DBHDS makes training and topical resources available to providers on each of the following topics with an application to disability services, or at minimum to human services: proactively identifying and addressing risks of harm; conducting root cause analysis; and, developing and monitoring corrective actions.

DBHDS publishes information on the Department’s website on the use of risk screening/assessment tools and risk triggers and thresholds. Recommendations for best practices in monitoring serious incidents, including identifying patterns and trends which may be used to identify opportunities for improvement are also available and accessible.  Detailed guidance is published, with input from relevant professionals, about risks common to people with developmental disabilities, which include considerations for how to appropriately and adequately monitor, assess, and address each risk. All information is available and accessible to providers and other caregivers. 

Authorizing Authority

12 VAC 35-105-520

Settlement Agreement Provision

The Commonwealth shall offer guidance and training to providers on proactively identifying and addressing risks of harm, conducting root cause analysis, and developing and monitoring corrective actions.

About Risk Management Training

DBHDS makes training and topical resources available to providers on each of the following topics with an application to disability services, or at minimum to human services: proactively identifying and addressing risks of harm; conducting root cause analysis; and, developing and monitoring corrective actions.

DBHDS publishes information on the Department’s website on the use of risk screening/assessment tools and risk triggers and thresholds. Recommendations for best practices in monitoring serious incidents, including identifying patterns and trends which may be used to identify opportunities for improvement are also available and accessible.  Detailed guidance is published, with input from relevant professionals, about risks common to people with developmental disabilities, which include considerations for how to appropriately and adequately monitor, assess, and address each risk. All information is available and accessible to providers and other caregivers. 

Authorizing Authority

12 VAC 35-105-520

Processes, Protocols and Standards

Instruments and Tools

Processes, Protocols and Standards

Training Materials

OIH Health & Safety – Training PowerPoints

Root Cause Analysis – 12VAC35-105-160.E.2 



Risk Management – 12VAC35-105-520 



For more information about Risk Management Training:

