Supervisory Support


Settlement Agreement Provision

The Commonwealth shall ensure that the statewide training program includes adequate coaching and supervision of staff trainees. Coaches and supervisors must have demonstrated competency in providing the service they are coaching and supervising.


Provider Data Summary Reports

FY21 May 2021 Provider Data Summary Report

FY22 May 2022 Provider Data Summary Report

FY23 November 2022 Provider Data Summary Report

FY23 May 2023 Provider Data Summary Report

FY24 November 2023 Provider Data Summary Report

FY24 May 2024 Provider Data Summary Report

FY25 November 2024 Provider Data Summary Report

Integrated Residential Settings Reports

FY22 September 2022 Integrated Residential Settings Report

FY23 February 2023 Integrated Residential Settings Report

FY24 March 2024 Integrated Residential Settings Reports

FY25 September 2024 Integrated Residential Settings Report

Compliance Indicators

Compliance V.H.2

1. DSP Supervisors are responsible for adequate coaching and supervision of their staff trainees. As part of its training program, DBHDS will develop and make available a supervisory training for all DSP supervisors who are required to complete DSP training and testing per DMAS Waiver

Regulations in DBHDS-licensed and non-DBHDS-licensed agencies as described in DMAS Waiver Regulations. At a minimum, this training shall include the following topics:

a. skills needed to be a successful supervisor;

b. organizing work activities;

c. the supervisor’s role in delegation;

d. common motivators and preventive management;

e. qualities of effective coaches;

f. employee management and engagement;

g. stress management;

h. conflict management ;

i. the supervisor’s role in minimizing risk (e.g., health-related, interpersonal, and environmental);

j. mandated reporting; and

k. CMS-defined requirements for the planning process and the resulting plan.

2. In addition to training and education, support and coaching is made available to DBHDS-licensed providers through the DBHDS Offices of Integrated Health and Provider Development upon request and through community nursing meetings, provider roundtables, and quarterly support coordinator meetings to increase the knowledge and skills of staff and supervisors providing waiver services. DBHDS will compile available support and coaching resources that have been reviewed and approved for placement online and ensure that DBHDS-licensed providers are aware of these resources and how to access them.