Integrated Living Options

Settlement Agreement Provision

The Commonwealth shall serve individuals in the target population in the most integrated setting consistent with their informed choice and needs.

About Integrated Living Options

The Commonwealth is committed to serving individuals with development disabilities in the most integrated settings appropriate to their needs and consistent with their informed choice. The state’s capacity to serve individuals with development disabilities across Virginia in integrated community based settings continues to grow.  The DD waivers as redesigned in 2016 increase the services options available to support individuals to live in more integrated settings.  The redesign also realigned the waivers funding structures to provide incentives to provider agencies that serve individual in integrated residential settings.

The Settlement Agreement uses the benchmark of four beds or less as an indicator of an integrated residential setting.  Since the signing of the Agreement, Medicaid has issued final rules with respect to integrated settings for residential service types that must be met to receive Home and Community Based (Waiver) funding.   The reports provided track both the movement of the DD Waiver population as they move to more integrated residential settings and the capacity of the service system to provide integrated residential options.

The other aspect of Integrated Community Living Options is the focus Virginia is placing on individuals who reside in Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICFs/IID) and children in nursing homes.  DBHDS has focused efforts to ensure that individuals seeking placements in these community institutional settings are informed about options in community.  In addition there are dedicated staff working with individuals already in these settings, their families, Community Service Boards and other community resources to facilitate discharges to integrated community based services. 

Authorizing Authority

Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.

US Supreme Court Olmstead Decision


Processes, Protocols and Standards

Case Management Manual

Guidelines, Charters, Plans, Other

Instruments and Tools

Training Materials
